Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Our personality comprises not only the physical body but also the mind and the heart, feelings and attitudes, character and behaviour.
Proper nurturing and development of these elements of the personality will achieve desirable goals. When goals are desirable, the process of aspiring to, working towards and achieving them also become desirable. This is part of human nature. Therefore, that we recognise and understand the true nature of our ultimate goal in our life (i.e. the Vision for our life) it is critical.
For the true believers and deeply enlightened people, the most coveted goal in life is (Vision) to seek the good pleasure of almighty GOD and Paradise in the life after death.
The path to God and the Paradise is only illuminated when a person recognises the central place of God in his life as his Vision and strives to develop his self accordingly.
The Messenger of God said: If someone wants to know what position he enjoys in the eyes of God, he has only to look at what place he gives to God in his heart and life [Hakim].
The term nearest in meaning to self development; it means purification and refers to the cleansing of the human self from all that is unwholesome, undesirable and unwelcome. It also refers to the nurturing and strengthening of all the qualities within the human self that are essential for growth and development, for blossoming and flowering.
Therefore the SUCCESS and happiness in this world and the Hereafter depend on the purification and nurturing of our personality. The Holy Qur’an states that true SUCCESS is only reserved for those who seek to purify themselves: Successful indeed is the one who purifies his whole self [Chapter: 91 & Verse: 09]

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